Sunday, April 25, 2010

Salvage Slave Agin', Keeps on ragin'

Can't deny I'm seriously middle-aged now, but rather than face it. I just tried to outrun it(mixed results). Started the week out playing/shopping in NYC, then it was home to work on a new design project with all those fresh ideas brimming, my regular Detroit scavenger hunts, opening show at TANK and gala fundraiser for Waldorf School/Gleaners, run the shop. I need an assistant and a nap. Anyhoo, it's movies, movies, movies in Michigan. They're getting ready to roll film on Sucker, Salvation Boulevard and SWAT. Love this group of set decorators and buyers, Taryn, Danika, Nancy and my bff Selina...I thought I worked hard! Thanks to the Michigan Film Office for that nice bit of press, the film people manage to find my offbeat place

I can't sleep for thinking about this cool couple's house in Grosse Pointe Park and all the possibilities. Just love the aesthetic, very serene old south of France and the house is one of those stately brick tudors, yum! Have these gorgeous 1800s doors I want to use, maybe as an unexpected window covering; a little Detroit industrial repurposed as furniture; build out a closet with salvaged lumber; keep and just refresh grandma's chair and dress up all those incredible arched windows with velvet, linen and silk coverings.

TANK opening Friday night at my husband's Richard Gage Design Studio was a big success!! Lulu was the perfect artist to open the season with. Her work is so fresh and accessible. Even though I was beat, I couldn't resist jumping in with the kids to do her collage workshop this morning. Show's up for two weeks, mon-fri, check in for hours. Very affordable, and from a designer's and collector's standpoint, adaptable to modern or eclectic interiors. Even though she's living in Missouri, she's local to us (and promising to move back, thank god).
The Gleaners ( and Waldorf School ( fundraiser Saturday night served up the best tasting soups in the city. What a collective of the brightest, most generous and interesting Detroiters. All that energy translated to much needed funds for the institutions that keep Detroit vibrant. So proud of my husband who made this beautiful award, a spoon that wasn't (i.e. a big hole in it), to symbolize the undone work of educating children in Detroit and feeding the hungry. My gal pal Jackie Victor was on hand in that vintage Oscar de la Renta dress (worn as her designer insisted with cowboy boots and a jean jacket..I love it when they listen to me) representing sponsor Avalon Bakery. Left in time to have that all important Spanish coffee at Roast with artists Clinton Snider and Yuen Hom All this talent in one town....I'm getting a little ferklempt, talk amongst yourselves....

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